Astrology Wants All Land Back Now (free palestine means love)

storytelling is one of our most powerful weapons
of mass destruction

colonization cannot exist without storytelling

we have to tell a story about
from the river to the sea
in order to successfully implement

we have to tell this story:

when you say
From the River to the Sea
it means “I don’t want Israel to exist”
and that means “I want all Jewish people further displaced or dead”

then that story becomes:

no (white) Jewish person is safe
around any (brown, Arab, Muslim) Palestinian
and everyone who says: “Free Palestine”
is chanting for another Jewish Holocaust

that is how “Free Palestine”
became synonymous with genocide

that is how Palestine
became an antagonist, a villain, a terrorist,
a murderous monster that is perpetrating
the very thing it is surviving

it happened through a story.

if I know anything about stories
it’s that stories make you believe

this story makes us believe
in the inhumane treatment
of brown, Indigenous, Black people everywhere

it makes us believe in blockades
giant walls, check points
in condoning caging humans and animals on their land
forcibly removing people and trees from their homes
resenting them when they’re not grateful
for being given pieces of scraps of fragments of who they are
it makes us say fuck it why not just
bomb everything
for 48 days then pause
to conjure
extreme psychological terror horror movies are made of
as they know in four days it will start all over again and we call that

what a story.

stories are stories, what about the truth?
they ask: what about what we all saw on October 7?

personally, I think that if you want to end violent resistance
you have to end violent occupation.

personally, when I hear

from the river to the sea

I feel love

that is grief that is wonder that is god that is death that is art that is change

I feel tears in my body
my whole body,
I feel tears.

I feel tears that know what it’s like to love
someone with my body, my whole body

what it’s like to love my best friend
my life long companion
my soul star gateway
my first family

that I have been separated from
again and again and again and again and again

and still know our (re)union
again and again and again and again and again

I know the love story we lived without tragedy
I’ve lived it again and again and again and again and again

I know what it means to dedicate living to ceremony
ceremony of life, grief, and long term partnership

so I know what I know
when I hear them say
from the river to the sea
that water flows free
through my body, my whole body

I know a people
who love their land
and I know a land
that loves them back.

when I say
From the River to the Sea
you’re half right
I do not want Israel to exist

I don’t want “Canada” to exist either.
I don’t want “The United States of America” to exist.

I don’t want entities that build themselves over top of people
who were already there who drained their resources extracted their magic put them in residential schools and concentration camps and then told a story that made us believe

the ones that did it
are innocent
and who they did it to
is the monster

I don’t want nations built on patriarchy and sexual violence and psychological abuse and emotional despair cut off from spiritual communication criminalizing ancestral veneration and the exponentialized gaslighting gaslighting gaslighting motherfucking gaslighting

I do not want one more OUNCE of soaring glorious LIFE sentenced to endure the endless exhaustion one must muster to even ATTEMPT to seed and birth and sustain ANYTHING upon all of this horror

I want NONE of it in my BODY


I want it dismantled

and transmuted

and transformed

and healed

and well rested

and birthed into



I Want Land Back.

I do not demand Land Back
I can’t
even if others do
even if others must

I only seek to become it

like an ache that wants to heal
like the part of me still grieving my father and will one day grieve my mother
and the part of me that will one day fall in love and has already fallen in love and
the part of me that has held a child who took their last breath and the part of me who cannot yet touch the terror inside that knows of all the children who are buried

in rubble.

I want Land Back

with the Heart of my Broken Heart which is Unbroken

I want free land everywhere, everywhere, everywhere

including in my Self

I want free land in all the places we can and can’t imagine it

I want free land in the multiverse

in all the ways you do and don’t know what that means

I want it in all the homes we do and don’t know

in all the names we can and can’t remember

in all the ways we will be filled and surprised and turned upside down and catalysed and brought to our knees
with wonder

I want for myself the kind of healing
that only happens when land is free and happy and well cared for

and land can only be that free
when all its children are free
when all its people, animals, trees, and water are free

when Black and Indigenous leadership is restored
when Black and Indigenous freedom of movement is restored
when all peoples’ personal responsibility is restored
when Ceremonial Entrepreneurship is restored
when Ancestral Artistry is restored
when Quantum Whispering is restored
when the safety and celebration of Abolitionist BIPOC queer and trans Witches is restored
when the true spirit of Grief, Love, Death, Generosity and Magic
is restored

what does LAND BACK mean
if it doesn’t mean
they are going to do the same thing to us that we did to them so do it to them even more so we never have to find out

I don’t know, but it’s kind of like astrology

millions of people love to write long paragraphs on social media about how they
“don’t believe” in astrology:

I mean, it’s fun to talk about on a first date, but if you actually take it seriously you’re insane

I mean, I like asking about people’s signs but there’s no real basis to it and I definitely don’t use it to make decisions or understand myself or anything like that

I mean, I feel sorry for people who believe in this stuff, they probably need to be medicated

look: for some reason “the algorithm” showed me a thread on astrology this past week and those quotes are pretty much verbatim from the comment section, so don’t blame me, all I did was write them down.

It’s like that

with “triggering” words like abolition and land back and from the river to the sea

people who know nothing about astrology have staunchly fiercely rooted opinions about it and get HIGHLY OFFENDED at any opposing view point
when they’ve never seriously looked into it for a minute of a day in their life

they “just know”
it’s ridiculous and crazy and maybe a little cute but ultimately

It doesn’t even make sense, they say. Explain how – HOW – would this actually work? That’s what I thought, it doesn’t.

Well, whatever.

Astrology is an ancient complex system that takes years to truly understand and even more years to begin forming your own interpretations and opinions based on your dedicated lived experience in apprenticing with it.

It’s phenomenal, legendary magic to sit with someone’s birth chart and pull at all the threads and synthesize what you see with beautiful, masterful


you watch people feel seen and loved and recognized in ways they never did before

you offer language that lights parts of themselves they always struggled to name

you revel in the wonder of witnessing someone feel understood in only the ways
stars can understand

you feel connected to something bigger that also feels like home

like home always wanted to feel

what phenomenal legendary magic
to look up
and get to know these lights as friends
you missed for long
even if they were right there, right there
all along

what phenomenal legendary magic to look up and
just live
live them out
experience their magic unfold
within you all, around you
in human time

it’s like that with Land Back

Land Back is phenomenal legendary magic

So is Abolition in Our Lifetime

So is Free Palestine

Apprenticing this magic is to pull at the threads and synthesize what you see with beautiful, masterful storytelling

it is to feel seen and loved and recognized in ways you never did before

to find language for what you’ve always struggled to name

to feel understood on a level that only the water, trees, sky and mountains can understand

to look up
look within
down and all around
get to know this life as your friend
a good, good friend
what a phenomenal legendary friend
and you missed her
you missed her with your body
your whole body
even as she was right here

right here

all this time.

Land Back

is to choose to Live

to really, really Live this time

just live it all out

experience this magic unfold in you, in all that you love and grieve

in human time.

what Astrology and Land Back have in common
is that you don’t even know what it means
and you already hate it

you have never seriously looked into it for a minute or a day
you have never taken the time to FEEL IT

but you “just know”
that it’s ridiculous

when the truth is

you have felt it

you can’t not feel it

it’s everywhere and the truth is what you

“just know”

is that you’re scared

because the truth about Land Back is that it just means change

the truth about Astrology is that it just means movement

it means that you have to change
and you have to move
you’re scared
so am I

I have to change
I have to move
you’re already grieving
so am I

we are part of one body that revolves around a star
some of you seem to forget that
we’re all moving together
we have to change, we have to move, we have to do it together
we are doing it right now

the truth is that “astrology” is a part of LAND BACK

because our solar system is part of the land that holds us is it not?
It feeds us, does it not?

our Universe gives home to our Sun who gives home to our Earth who gives home to us, does it not?

is this is a secret?

has western science not caught up to this one yet because I can’t keep track

we are all part of one body
some of you seem to forget that
just like I once did

whether or not you believe in astrology
the truth is that astrology is just storytelling
and stories make you believe
and stories let you escape
the reality of what is happening in our own body
so we can momentarily pretend
that we do not have to feel
the pain of it

stories make us momentarily numb and we can pretend
that pain is not there but it is

some of you have forgotten just like I once did
that pain in your body is Palestine
it’s in me too

it used to whisper, now it screams

that pain is screaming in you too

that pain in you is Congo, it’s Haiti, it’s Sudan, it’s the Philippines, it’s Kashmir, it’s Hawai’i, it’s Aotearoa, it’s Marshall Islands, it’s Nepal, it’s Antarctica, it’s Nicaragua, it’s Mexico, it’s Ukraine, it’s Armenia, it’s Iraq, it’s Afghanistan, it’s Ireland, it’s Tigray, it’s Venezuela, it’s South Africa, it’s Tamil Eelam, it’s Taiwan, it’s Tibet, it’s Bangladesh, it’s Turtle Island, It’s Heart Island, it’s here, it’s underneath your feet, it’s everywhere, it’s everywhere

it’s everywhere in your body

it’s everywhere in mine too

the pain of freedom breaking open is everywhere

it’s in the body of the colonizer too

it’s in the one aggressing genocide too

the one holding so tight to what it knows and what it doesn’t want to believe

because it doesn’t want to change so that it doesn’t have to grieve

I held on

to pain like that too

you did too

I still do.

that pain, it used to whisper
now it screams
now it screams
and it still whispers too


if storytelling is one of our greatest weapons of mass destruction

it is also one of our greatest weapons of mass healing

if storytelling is one of our strongest aids to colonization, it is one of our most serious assets to life and liberation

if genocide cannot happen without storytelling, freedom cannot happen without it either

so let me tell you a story:

Free Palestine Means Love

Free Palestine means every body has a birth right to Live in sovereign relationship with the land they love that loves them back

Free Palestine means inner and outer decolonization

Free Palestine means I want to learn to love myself more deeply so I can love you better

Free Palestine means every Indigenous person everywhere needs the support to heal

Free Palestine means every one of us is an Earth Steward because we live here

Free Palestine the un-nameable aching that will always be inside of you until you remember how to be an Earth Steward again

Free Palestine is putting a name to your un-nameable aching

Free Palestine means abolish the police and prisons and every institution that has made habit and practise of murdering and sucking the life force out of Black and Indigenous people

Free Palestine means Survivors can never be left to suffer in silence

Free Palestine means the community has a responsibility to support Survivors in gaining back their autonomy

Free Palestine means everyone has the right to body autonomy including accessing holistic empowering healthcare, abortion, reproductive rights and living in ceremony with their land because land is body

Free Palestine means we all came here with the imagination to break free from the limiting beliefs and structures white supremacy has imposed on us

Free Palestine means we all came here to be a part of birthing something new

Free Palestine means there are better ways to keep ourselves safe and healthy than we were taught and we were born with the creativity to make it

Free Palestine means we will find a different way to be in relationship here

we have
we are
we will
we will continue

Free Palestine means queer and trans people get to express themselves and live happily for who they are and make art and decide who they do and don’t want to share intimacy with

Free Palestine means don’t believe the racist lies that say Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims and brown people are inherently homophobic, transphobic, violent and vengeful. Those are lies.

Free Palestine means dig deeper for the truth, and once you find it, live it, live it out

Free Palestine means I won’t leave myself out of my own healing

Free Palestine Means Love

it means love. it means love. it means love.

Shaunga Tagore is a Planetary Priestess formerly known as Astrologer. She is the Founder and Artistic Director of Otherworldly Giants: Creation Company, Storytelling School and Divination Channel.

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